Checking Version & Updating

LipSurf is automatically updated in the background.

Checking the Current Version

  1. Go to chrome://extensions

  2. Enable "developer mode"

The version is shown next to the extensions title: "LipSurf - Voice Control for the Web".

Force LipSurf to Update Immediately

  1. Go to chrome://extensions

  2. Enable "developer mode"

  3. Click "update"

Install a Beta, Custom or Enterprise Version

  1. (optional) Backup your LipSurf custom shortcuts and corrections using the "export custom shortcuts" button in the options.

  2. Unzip the LipSurf package.

  3. In Google Chrome, go to chrome://extensions

  4. Enable "developer mode"

  5. Click "load unpacked" and navigate to the folder that came from the unzipped package.

  6. (optional) Import the custom shortcuts and corrections from step 1 using the "import custom shortcuts" button in the options.